Loft’s new Integration & Test Center

Loft hosted customers, partners, investors, local stakeholders and our team to the official ribbon cutting event and celebration of our new Integration & Test Center located in Golden, Colorado.

This is a dedicated satellite fulfillment center, where Loft delivers satellites at scale to the space industry.

Loft Co-founders Pierre-Damien Vaujour and Alex Greenberg help Golden mayor, Laura Weinberg cut the ribbon for the new Integration & Test Center.

It’s an honor to open our all-under-one-roof facility in Jefferson County, with over 100 local residents that work across Loft’s Colorado offices.

Our 13,000 square foot facility features ISO-8 cleanrooms and space for inventory, assembly and rework, satellite storage, satellite production, environmental testing, and research and development. Once the satellites leave this building, they’re on their way to space. This is an important part of how we make space simple.

Check out our walk-through of the facility featuring our own Head of Operations, Geoff Rabinowitz and the I&T team.


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